Via MentalFloss
On the 26th of February, my fellow classmates hosted a colorful and exciting event to celebrate international mother language day. It was one full of joy and festivity where there was an impactful expression of the diversity and richness of everyone's mother tongues.
The event started off with a few facts about language to intrigue the readers. For example, did you know there are 121 languages spoken in India itself?! It was mind-blowing.
Following up there was a collection of brilliant performances in a variety of languages. From songs to poem recitations, one could only call it a brilliant showcase of the vastness and richness that language brings, a wave of emotion and melody.
After that brilliant show, the hosts organized something especially thoughtful and kind for the audience. A game session that all could enjoy while also incorporating elements of language and its nuances. There was a "guess what language the phrase was in" game where the hosts would read out phrases from different languages and the audience would guess what language the phrase was in. If they guessed correctly they would get a point and these would be tallied. Whoever had the most points at the end of all the games would win a very special prize. Aarjaa from DP1 was on an absolute roll during the game and completely demolished the competition.
The second game was a game where the audience had to guess the character and what language they were in. It was fun and engaging. Sadly, I don't watch too many shows so I was unable to guess any of them. The hosts really loved their guessing games because the third and final game was also a guessing game, where we had to guess the language from a song snippet. However, this doesn't mean it was any less exciting than the other two. Needless to say once again Aarjaa from DP1 completely killed it and even won the special prize, "bragging rights!" The games were a really creative way of incorporating the theme's event in a fun and engaging way to the audience and it really helped the event shine. I came out feeling a lot more informed and with a greater understanding of the diversity of different languages and how each is special in its own regard.