26th of January is famously known in India as Republic Day, but to us Symbiosis Students it is known as something much more important. Founders Day. On the morning of the 26th of January we students had two reasons for celebration. The day our country truly claimed ‘purna swaraj’ or complete freedom first in 1929 and the 50 years proudly completed by our school’s organization.
It was the 73rd Republic Day for India and the students of DP1 led a beautifully informative event, with fun facts spread throughout the event and breath-taking performances from faculty and students, it was truly a great reason for celebration. More importantly, this was the first event led by DP1 to have crossed more than 150 active attendees and is a great accomplishment for the organizers of this event as this gives them scope to grow and motivation to perform better events and motivate students to join them.
There were several musical performances like Simran Kejriwal ( DP1 ) who sang ‘Teri Mitthi.’ A patriotic song that remains unforgettable in Indian’s Hearts. And a very memorable performance from the music department which was composed and sung by our talented teachers! Lastly, there were also recitations of poems like ‘My India’ by Paramhansa Yogananda recited beautifully by our very own Nikita Ma’am.
Ultimately this event was executed and mesmerizing with the great efforts of the DP1 students and all the performers who were kind enough to give their time and efforts to enhance the event as a whole.