You know when you say to yourself… ‘that looks so cool, one day I want to try that’!, but in the back of your head you know that you will never find the time. Well this is the perfect opportunity to do it. So I have decided to share with you some positive and entertaining ways to keep yourself busy with, during the lockdown.
It takes time and years to learn a new instrument, whether it is playing the piano or the harmonica. With today’s technology you don't need an actual teacher, all you need is to download an App...and voila! You can be on your way to mastering a new instrument.
To learn you may need to have access to an instrument, on the other hand Baking requires items that you probably have in your kitchen. There are millions of delicious recipes that you can treat your family with. How can anyone not enjoy the delectable delights that can be made with simple ingredients?
We are all stressed out about our situation and could use a day at the spa to pamper ourselves and relax. Get a bucket of hot water, add soap for fragrance, lay out all of your favourite nail colours and face masks and indulge yourself. Change into some comfortable clothes, and relax.
Miss your friends? An easy way to connect with your friends is through online games or organise a party through video calls. You can have a splendid time with all your friends while still practicing social distancing!
You can also exercise, do yoga or Zumba every day to stay fit and fabulous during this time of “house arrest”.
Lastly, why not try something more experimental? Do things you thought you would never end up doing, like temporarily dying your hair another colour or cutting your hair and trying a whole new look. If you are not up for changing your whole appearance then why not stay entertained by testing out different science experiments. A constructive way to use your time.
With all these ideas, I'm sure we can all have a fantastic summer vacation or at least make the most of our free time, I sure will! I hope you all stay safe and entertained with these remarkable ways to spice up even the most depressing and distressing times!