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Revive Romanticism

Annika Singh

Via Aeon

“Your life is your life. Know it while you have it. You are marvelous.” -Charles Bukowski

Romanticism was popularised by the literature produced following the Romantic Movement in the early 1800s which was characterized by its glorification of ephemeral nature, solitary exploration as well as the resulting artistic creativity, spiritual and supernatural elements, and lastly the relatable unfettered emotions of writers. Unfortunately, the idyllic world of romantics was eclipsed by the regimented schedules implemented throughout the Industrial Revolution that we are now accustomed to.

Modern society’s cynicism inevitably leads to people constantly perpetuating the fallacy that being in love with one’s own life is tantamount to having a grandiose sense of self-importance and a natural inclination to self-indulgence. It is indispensable to recognize those who think they have the authority to criticize and dictate whether you should choose to unapologetically live your life, are merely projecting their own dissatisfaction with life. Do not let the modern world suppress your visions and admirations.

The thought of romanticizing my life usually conjures up recollections of scenes from Studio Ghibli films- they artistically romanticize the little mundane things we encounter in life as a part of our daily, seemingly monotonous routines. From moments of kindness and love, to simply lying in a breezy field or wandering through flower-specked hills, or eating the most appetizing spicy ramen. Books like Little Women, poets like Charles Bukowski, and authors like Haruki Murakami encapsulate the spirit of romanticizing your life.

I too have the fatal flaw: a morbid longing for the picturesque (as does Richard Papen) which is why I often immerse myself into the “trivial” little things that I view from a more sensationalist perspective than others. Start by having gratitude for even the most mundane aspects of life, by purposefully showing gratefulness towards even the burdening things in life you will experience a shift in mindset, and sooner or later, you will have already naturally embedded the expression of gratitude into your life. A few ways I embrace living are through a collection of playlists, reading in nature, and sharing memorable moments with a selected few.

Memento mori; death is inescapable and life is fleeting, hence you must find joy in your existence.


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