Productivity, I am sure all of you have heard this term before. Do not tell me that you have never gone on YouTube and searched for ways to be productive and gone through numerous
productivity vlogs. So why do we feel this need to be fruitful? Why do we undergo this feeling? And once we perceive it, how does it affect us?
There are many questions, and this article will help you gain some clarity and get you one step closer to finding the answers for the same. Honestly, sometimes I lack being productive. In other instances, I am extra productive. I do not spot an in-between for me. I think this feeling comes from my expectations. I do expect it from myself. These expectations I base upon what I achieved in the past. It naturally becomes the level that I do not wish to fall below. Thus, making me feel like I need to get work done and hence need to be productive.
So are expectations what cause a productive feeling? Well, it may be one of the reasons, but not the only one. People may want something to wake up to the next day. Having a task in hand and being motivated to complete it pushes them ahead. Some people may do it because being productive makes them happy, promoting a sense of accomplishment.
Having said this, we must not forget that every coin has two sides. What happens if you cannot get your planned tasks done? You lose this sense of accomplishment, and it affects you more than you think it does. You may pressurize yourself to get more work done and may try to overcompensate, all in all tossing your mental health out of the window.
So when does one know where to draw the line? That boils it down to how aware you are about your capabilities and how much you can handle. one Must take on their plate only how much they can eat. I would recommend you to take a little lesser than how much you can eat, as you can always get some more once you finish, and you do not even have to live with the fact that you wasted some of it.
The key is knowing your capacity. One must define the limit of the range and have complete
knowledge about it. Give yourself some time and find that sweet spot.
When you know that you are at a good place, you could even try to expand this capacity, which I believe can happen in various ways. You could take up a new challenge and focus on it by investing your time and energy into it. Give it your best shot, and if it doesn’t work out, move on! It is not the end of life.
In this way, if you succeed, your capacity has expanded. If you fail, you still got yourself some more maturity that comes with undergoing new experiences.
Now that is a win-win situation. Isn’t it?