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Locker room talk: ‘Boys Will Be Boys’

Writer's picture: Ismaeel AIsmaeel A


The stomach-churning, repulsive phrase ‘Locker room talk’ refers to the conversation exchanged between boys in sports locker rooms, often in schools and colleges, which involve objectifying women, referring to them in a venereal way, degrading and demeaning them and interchanging sexist comments. However, in recent years due to the rapid development in technology and communication, this custom has spread to social media too. Boys have been using WhatsApp, Instagram, Snapchat, etc. to make groups to discuss women’s bodies and gossip over gross, appalling ideas.

Pathetic and cowardly, boys only discharge this nauseating feat in private, in areas exclusive to guys, where they can’t be overheard by women. For if they were, they’d be castigated and rebuked by society. Looking at things from a misogynistic lens, it disseminates rape culture and makes detrimental, noxious exploitations seem acceptable, when it isn’t. In simple words: it oppresses girls and makes boys seem more of a ‘man’ if they dehumanize women with negligible repercussions for their vile behavior.

Society generally gives men an easy pass, excusing their problematic, shameful behavior by defending them with a few classic clauses; “He’s too young to know”, “He will learn soon” and “Boys will be Boys”. Lacking morality and humanity, condoning this unhealthy, toxic behavior continues to normalize corruption of boys’ minds and conditioning the younger youth with the wrong conduct. This horrific etiquette is nothing less than a monster’s and mankind not punishing them when it’s crystal clear that they deserve to be.

Why has the human race permitted boys to discuss women in a sexual context without consent? And moreover, make men feel more superior? To take a step towards positive progress, confronting boys who make such horrid comments, correcting them may prevent them from continuing to pursue their actions and spreading their dangerous expressions. Consequences should be severe so as to implant ethical and virtuous ideas to surround ourselves with better members of humankind.

It’s 2020. We, as society, should make our environment secure for women around us: our mothers, sisters and friends by eradicating the nasty, hateful mindsets of people around us. How much longer can we afford to let this continue?


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