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Implementing New Year's Resolutions

Annika Singh

With the new year drawing near, the time has come for us to ponder and contemplate on our lifestyle during the year 2021 and make amendments in 2022. Recall recent epiphanies which inspired you to consider making a change in your life. Maybe you’ve thought of parting with your never-ending clinomania, or perhaps you wish to be set free from the ennui that you were trapped in this year.

Before listing your new year’s resolutions, you should remember to set smaller, realistic goals for the next year, rather than a single, daunting goal; this helps us avoid being crestfallen by unattainable desires. When choosing new year's resolutions, you should reflect on the multitude of learning experiences you've had over the year. You probably realized that you have far too limited time in your life to waste on disingenuous toxic people, so to live a fulfilling life you will spend time with people that truly matter. You might also consider quitting your unhealthy habits and implementing good habits- no more procrastination, reading more books, getting quality sleep, having a healthy diet, monitoring your spending, stopping skipping breakfast, drinking enough water, paying attention to signs of health issues, stop overindulging on entertainment as well as quitting your social media addiction. Perhaps you want to get out of your comfort zone this year, face your fears, meet new people, change your wardrobe, learn to cook or learn more about different cultures, music & art. Prioritizing yourself and your goals will allow you to reach them. That being said, it is essential yet overlooked how valuable it is to celebrate your accomplishments and be eternally grateful for everything you already have and are.

Every day is a chance for redemption. The key to being consistent is to minimize getting overwhelmed in the process. Try not to give up because of a few inconsistencies. Instead, strive to remedy your mistakes and get back on track; you should remember that little setbacks are perfectly natural and understandable when pursuing your goals. It is the effort to acknowledge the necessity of change and work towards it that is more meaningful. To ensure that your resolutions stick throughout the year you must plan and be disciplined enough to adhere to this plan. Reward yourself and practice positive thinking by encouraging yourself, because punishing yourself over failures will inevitably cause harm to your progress. If you truly believe in yourself and manifest your aspirations and goals into reality, you will soon accomplish far more than you could have envisioned. Start planning and listing your new year’s resolutions today!


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