Given the state of the world today, we have no idea when we will go back to school. What we do know is that when we restart school, it will be quite different than it used to be before COVID-19, and we’ll have to ease into the process.
There are two main changes in how our school will have to function in order for us to be able to return, these are scheduling and safety measures.
First let me touch upon scheduling. There are three different options we can consider, all of which involve students attending in batches:
1. The entire school gets divided into two batches (based on sections), and one batch comes on one day and the other comes on the next day. Each section splits up into two groups. Both groups alternate between physical and online school every other day. Online school doesn't necessarily mean only Zoom classes, but it could also include assignments on Google classroom.
2. This is similar to option A, except that each batch comes for half a day with a sufficient break between batches. In each grade one batch can arrive and separate into two classrooms (12-13 students per physical class). One batch comes in the morning and stays until the first half of the day is over, and the next batch starts classes during the second half of the same day. This option does not surpass the hours of a regular school day.
3. The last option is to attend school once a week. One group (myp,pyp,ig,dp) comes on their designated day of the week. Once they arrive they split up into mini groups assigned according to each subject and fill up their allocated classrooms. Classes will begin and the school day can be extended (ex:8am to 5pm), to cover more material. Each student goes to school once a week and continues with online classes for the rest of the days.
Secondly there are a few safety precautions to be taken if and when we start school.
All students would have to wear masks at all times.
Hand sanitizer should be compulsory to keep outside each class and other common areas.
The temperature of each student should be taken by security before entering, and students with a fever should not be allowed to enter school.
Staggered entry and exit schedules (ex:8th grade enters only from 8-8:15,7th grade enters from 8:15 to 8:30, and similarly for exiting school) in order to reduce student traffic near the gates and stairs.
Sterilization of the classrooms should be done before each batch or class starts for sanitary reasons.
Each desk should be distant from others.
To conclude, I think that school is a critical learning experience that keeps us on track, opens us up to opportunities and enhances our knowledge. These qualities and advantages can't be fully given to us through a screen. This is why, when the time comes, we will all have to adapt new routines in our life and start adjusting even if it is inconvenient because in the end it benefits us.