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Dangers of Over-exercising

Sanaya Kotwal

We are all aware that exercise is good for our bodies. It builds strength, endurance, and flexibility. Not only is exercise good for our physical health but it also greatly benefits our psychological state. Although not getting enough exercise is a problem for a majority of the population, an excessive amount of exercise can be just as dangerous. There are two kinds of over-exercising: overtraining and compulsive exercising. Both are extremely harmful to your physical and mental health.

First and foremost, overtraining. In simple terms, overtraining is pushing yourself too much while not getting enough rest. We all need rest days so that our bodies can recover from physical activity as we get stronger. Most people think that resting will take away the progress that they’re making at the gym, when in fact, it will benefit them. Nutrition is a large part of over-exercising. All athletes require sufficient nutrition to sustain the health of their bodies.

Secondly, there is compulsive exercising. Compulsive exercising is when exercise transforms from a way to get fit, into an addiction. Compulsive exercisers may feel guilty or anxious when they miss a workout and will continue to push their boundaries until they exhaust themselves completely.

So, how do you know if you’re exercising too much? Being constantly fatigued, low energy levels, depression, anxiety, headaches, and certain injuries, are some of the signs that you are pushing yourself too hard. The reason over-exercising is dangerous in the short term is that it can change your emotions and energy levels throughout the day. This can lead to problems at school or work, can affect your social life, can leave you feeling cranky, and can impact your sleep and appetite. The most dangerous aspect is getting injured. Stress fractures, sprains, muscle tears, and tendonitis can occur due to over-exercise. In the long term, vital organs can be affected. Over-exercising impacts the muscle tissues, which release proteins and electrolytes to the blood. This causes damage to the heart and kidneys. When doing exercise that requires long-term endurance (like a marathon), the immune system is additionally damaged. There is evidence that mental health conditions are exacerbated due to over-exercise.

How can you stop over-exercising? Give your body a break from the constant stress it is being put under. Take a day off once or twice a week. This ensures that you’re not overdoing it. Nourish and hydrate your body (especially during and after a workout). Most importantly, get enough sleep. Knowing an adequate amount of information about over-exercising can certainly help you to prevent various negative consequences of the same.



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