Across the world, on stages, big and small, legislators, activists, and judges are waging a war on women’s right to choose. For the conservative right, abortion is the immoral termination of a life; for the liberals, it represents a woman’s right to control her body and to her own make decisions. Each side is uncompromising about their position on the issue, which is dividing many nations across the world.
But here is the truth - It is impossible to stop abortions. By making them illegal, you are only making safe abortion illegal. When the right to choose is torn from them, women are forced to resort to other methods- methods far more dangerous and unreliable.
Abortions take place for many reasons. Most pro-lifers are willing to bend their
views when the abortion is taking place because of medical reasons - as there is no other choice.
But shouldn’t the same courtesy be extended to the women getting abortions because of personal reasons? Isn’t it better to terminate a group of cells than to let a child grow up abandoned or neglected? Financial hardships, being too young and just general unpreparedness occupy the less extreme end of the spectrum of women who need abortions. On the other end are the horrifying, but extremely real reasons - abusive relationships, incest, rape. All these circumstances require tough decisions.
Politicians have no place in women’s health. 77% of anti-abortion lawmakers are men. 100% of them will never be pregnant. Why should they be making laws about issues, that not only do not apply to them, but issues they will never fully comprehend.
Abortion is not murder. It is a choice - one that should be offered to every single woman across the globe. Their personal beliefs are exactly that - theirs. If now is not the time to enforce free will and equal rights, when? The legality of abortion is a public issue, but it is also a personal one - meaning, to each their own- other people’s opinions are neither wanted nor needed.