“One person can make a difference and everyone should try.”- John F Kennedy

Racism, sexism, homophobia, xenophobia and every form of discrimination has been normalized for the longest time. In 2020, people will kill you because of the color of your skin, attack you because of your sexual orientation, or rape you and then blame it on the length of your skirt. Only 6 countries give women the same legal work rights as men and in the United States, 59% of hate crimes are based on ethnicity and 16% based on sexual orientation, 18% based on religion and the rest based on gender identity, and disability.
We can not live like this any longer. The only people who can make a change is us. Do not rely on the lawmakers in your country or the peacemakers of the world, start with yourself. For hundreds of years, society has waited for someone else to make a change but it is time we take responsibility into our own hands and make the change ourselves. The youth can make this world more evolved, equal and safe.
Educate yourself on what is going on on in the world today, take the time to learn the meaning of what you decided to say, and stand up for yourself and other people. Work on eliminating the acceptance to racist, homophobic, sexist jokes, normalized comments on rape, religion and any other prejudicial ‘humor’. Sign petitions, post on your social media, hold healthy conversations to help eliminate discriminating mindsets of your friends and family but do not stay silent any longer. Demand justice, work for equality and stop excusing the behavior of people around you. It can take on conversation or one person to change another person’s mindset.