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Short Stories: Death & Chocolate

Writer's picture: Jiyaa BaglaJiyaa Bagla

written by Jiyaa Bagla

If you have lived as long as I have, the days merge. I find solace in looking at the everchanging night sky. That’s how I remember the endless people I have guided into the afterlife. I could introduce myself properly, but what’s the point? You will find me waiting for you at the end of your journey- at least in this realm. Usually, you will be lying on the cold, hard, dead ground for at least 7 minutes. That’s how long it takes for your subconscious to stop fighting the inevitable. But some people, hang on for a lot longer. Beit their sheer will or an act of nature, I wait. I wait and watch the colours of the sky pass by my shoulders as I stand over you. The only sound I hear is the hurt echoing in your soul. The only smell that surrounds me, is that of fear and crushed dreams. Occasionally, I find that one grey soul who looks at me and smiles. That is, until her.

I was floating from one place to another, collecting souls. Beneath the enveloping dark green canopy of trees, the night sky spiralled into unearthly colours, an eerie masterpiece sketched by otherworldly hands. I could say it was painted by death itself, but that’s me. And believe me when I say, I wanted nothing to do with this situation whatsoever. That’s when I heard it. This one soul caused ripple effects in the very perception of the cosmos.

In the silently still, monotonously monochrome night, a sudden, thunderous explosion shot up the peaceful night. An ominous grey creature lurked over the horizon. A thick, charcoal fog intertwined with the dragon of orange death. Eventually, the canvas of serenity shattered into havoc. A mosaic of flinging debris and burnt foliage marred, wilted, and withered before my eyes. It was the genesis of a barren, pallid, ashen wasteland.

I flew towards the gravesite. The grass was painted red and the sound of cough overwhelmed this plane. But, it’s nothing I haven’t seen or heard before in my curse. A mere job. I told myself that I had lived through it all, and my wall must not be pierced by something that doesn’t concern me. I hoped today would be no different. That is, until her.

It was a battle site for the common man. There were more than a dozen bodies in the vicinity and amongst them, ghostly remnants of their souls, looking at me. Staring at me, with their one arm up, waiting for me to guide them away from this monstrosity of a time. Usually, no matter the physical harm to their bodies, most souls remain intact. But, here, all of their souls reeked of malnutrition and scars. However, I know this is normal. I had witnessed this too frequently, during the world wars. It was especially common among the victims of the Holocaust. I sighed, this was gonna be a long night.

As I safely escorted all the souls and sent them on their way, I noticed something strange. A little girl lay on the red grass, clutching a bar of chocolate. She was the first body I scanned- I always rescue the children first. Despite her not having a heartbeat, I could not find her soul anywhere. So, I moved on to the others. Waiting and waiting for the poor girl’s soul to emerge.

Just as I carried the last soul away, I saw her body flicker. As if she was a 3D simulation, a glitch. It had been over 3 hours, and still no sign of her soul. Humans and their souls- it’s a fickle thing. The laws of nature don’t work on them, instead, they break every law of nature. In my world, the law states that the soul is bound to the body. Souls do not possess the capability of free will. ‘Ghosts’, as you humans love to call them, are also restricted. Restricted to the site of death. But her, she was nowhere to be found.

Her body showed no signs of a soul inside. I couldn’t even sense it. Unlike common belief, I am not all-knowing. If someone asked me how my curse even started, I couldn’t tell them. For I, do not know the answer myself. I still remember the first soul I guided. I had no idea what to do, but something deep within me knew what I needed to do. So, I trusted my gut again. I flew through the black sky.

I won’t dive into the specifics, but I found her soul lurking almost 20 kilometres from the aforementioned site. Amidst a village, she stood inside a hut. Unmoving. Instead of guiding her, my gaze fell on the house. The windows, bereft of glass, gaped like an empty eye socket. Through the window, I caught a glimpse of the darkness within. There was not a living person in sight. The hut was engulfed by clinging vines and moss at its frame, forming a tapestry of writhed sickly green. She walked towards me.

In all of my long years here, never has a soul been able to touch the apparition that I’m trapped in. I do hold the hands of the lost souls but never feel their flesh. When I usually hold their hands, it’s as if I’m touching a strong gust of wind. Then, she removed the same chocolate bar from her pocket that I saw in her body’s arms. My eyes widen, my normally calm gaze has been stretched to its limit. I feel a shiver race down my spine. My gut has failed me. I have no instinct that can answer my lingering question- how did that chocolate bar pass through my world?

To my utter surprise, she offered me a piece of chocolate. My instincts start working and I take it from her warm hands, ingesting it. I am a machine, I require no sleep, no food, no shelter, no water. This little girl has managed to break all the laws that stabilize my world- the world of Death. Suddenly, I notice her arm. She bears the same black mark that lies on my chest.

She shrieks, as if seeing something behind her, that even I couldn’t see. Her little legs wobble and she lunges to hide herself behind me. With great trepidation, she approaches the shadow which only she can see. And just like that, she falls to the ground. I bend to inspect her. She appears to be a soul, not a soul inside her physical entity. A soul that just violated all the laws of my world. And, just like that, she suddenly emits a great black light that overwhelms my apparition. I find myself unstable, unmanageable, and needing to sit. Instead, I collapse onto the ground.

I lost consciousness, and when I awoke, there I was. Standing on top of my body, as if my black soul had been separated from the apparition I was stuck inside for centuries. The little girl reached out her hand. I held it but felt only a gust of wind. She started walking, holding my hand and a chocolate bar in the other hand. We exit the hut and she stands underneath the moonlight, waiting for the unknown shadow to give her instructions.

The girl nodded at the unknown entity. A great white light materialized. It was pure and binding, defiling anything of my imagination. I felt an ethereal brilliance, like what awaited me was a celestial beacon that I often guide the other souls towards. Only now, it was here to collect me.



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