Everyone loves Christmas; it's a time for celebration for people all around the world. It’s a time to decorate Christmas trees, share gifts and create memorable moments. On the 25th of December, the world comes together irrespective of their faith to celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ. Christmas is not just a religious landmark but now it has become a global event that is followed by billions.
The wave of westernization that struck the world transformed everyone’s opinions on Christmas, it marketed a global phenomenon that everyone knows about and celebrates. Globalization of Christmas created new traditions-ugly sweaters, shopping sprees, lights, fancy dinners, and much more-but is Christmas the real birth date of Jesus?
Christmas, the 25th of December, is celebrated as the birth of Jesus but neither the gospels nor any historical evidence proves that 25th December is Christ’s birthday. According to History Channel, December 25th is not Christ’s birthday, it is just a convenient date chosen by us humans to celebrate as it is on the same day as winter solstice and contributes to “The Holiday Season”. This compels us to the question: is Christmas really Christmas?