Firecrackers have become a common thing nowadays; in fact, special events are now incomplete without bursting them especially during the wonderful festival of lights - “DIWALI”. Everyone enjoys the breathtaking views and colours of the sky. Furthermore, people enjoy the bangs and fizzes it produces. However, this show is only beautiful to look at. Its impact on the environment and people's health is concerning. The use of firecrackers raises the concentration of dust and pollutants in the air. After firing, the dust and pollutants which are packed with chemicals settle down in the exposed areas and destroy our environment and put our health at risk as human beings and also affect animals and birds. Firecrackers are also a major menace to animals, especially dogs. Because of the noise and unpredictability of fireworks, many dogs perceive them as a threat. These noises trigger a flight or fight response which makes them run without thinking, this could harm the animals as they tend to break obstacles in their way because of their fear. Firecrackers can also be the cause of animals losing their hearing ability because unlike humans many animals have more sensitive hearing and a wider range of frequencies that they can hear.
Firecrackers do more harm than good and must not be used. Festivals are supposed to bring joy and we can light diyas instead of burning firecrackers. As time proceeds more people are becoming aware of the harms of firecrackers and fewer people are bursting them at home. The more awareness spread helps reduce the number of firecrackers, so we as a community should spread awareness. Delhi this year banned the use of crackers till January 1st, 2022 to control the air pollution and slowly other cities should start doing the same. I think it's high time we all work towards reducing firecrackers, don't you?