Why is it that when stress wreaks havoc on our minds, we crave solitude and time to figure things out amidst nature?
The magical yet ephemeral recollections of moments spent outdoors, as well as how we are genetically conditioned to live in close coexistence with nature, are what contribute to our affinity for nature. We are constantly dealing with humanity's inherent stressors, along with the inevitable responsibilities and to-do lists that they originate from. To avoid feeling out-of-sorts, it's imperative to have an arsenal of tools at our disposal. We should ensure to take a step back, awaken the innermost feelings of happiness and peace and reconnect with our roots... literally!
Picture the last time you walked barefoot on grass; how did it feel when the soft breeze and warm sun caressed your skin? Or instead, recall the last time you were lying down on a beach. Remember the rhythm of crashing waves and the scent of the ocean wind as it brushed through your hair. Focus on your feet as they're buried in the warmth of the sand; do you feel a tingling sensation? Or if you enjoy gardening as I do , how centred and present you felt with your fingers in the dirt? If you think about it, you already seem to be naturally familiar with the feeling of being grounded. I like to label this fleeting sensation as being “at home”. We can experience this same influx of life anytime by intentionally connecting to the earth outside.
For years I’ve questioned the reasons behind why I feel so empowered when I am close to the Earth’s ground, surrounded by the creatures and greenery that grow on it. It turns out that this inclination is deep-rooted and quite astonishingly related to the Earth’s energy. The Earth is like an enormous battery that naturally retains a subtle charge present beneath the ground. Our planet pulses with a quantifiable electromagnetic field known as the Schumann resonance, this is the planet's "heartbeat." This energy pulse serves as a massive recharging station for everything on Earth including humans; if they choose to plug into the endlessly available healing reservoir. This is what we call “Grounding”. Each cell in our body is conductive; similar to turning on a light switch, the moment a single cell on your body contacts the earth, your entire body becomes grounded to it.
Consequently, as the Earth stabilises and neutralises your body, your stress and frustration dissipate. Once every part of your body becomes grounded, it may feel like immediate relief. Yet, because we wear rubbersoled shoes and synthetic clothing, as well as travel in cars with rubber tyres that separate us from the ground, and even reside in insulated homes with no direct contact with the earth outside, this source of healing is almost always cut off from reaching our bodies.
We are, in reality, disconnected; ungrounded. We are separated from the Earth. This gap might be overlooked, especially for those who suffer from anxiety, insomnia, or chronic pain. When doctors are unable to determine the cause, they often resort to prescribing meds that have adverse side effects. Getting easily distracted and spaced out, overthinking or perpetual worry are signs of being ungrounded. Likewise, if one is obsessed with their image or has a strong desire for materialistic things they are disconnected with the Earth. All of these issues are easily remedied by spending an intentional moment to connect with the earth outside. Earthing, I reckon, has concealed mental and emotional advantages that are essential for psychological growth and functionality. Note: it also boosts immunity, which is important to keep in mind as we face this global pandemic.
It is notable that nature heals. Nature is a potent elixir, even in tiny doses. It has been found that patients use fewer medications and feel less weary when their hospital room has flowers and greenery. Merely gazing at photographs of nature enhances cognitive function and expedites mental rejuvenation. No wonder our mind, body and soul feel revitalised and in sync with nature when we spend time outdoors. In absence of this connection, we suffer from loneliness and become vulnerable. It is this sense of hopelessness that is to blame for today's societal upheavals and human depravity, and while we may look for remedies elsewhere, the actual cure resides in the nature-human connection.
So how must one ground oneself?
It is important to listen to your intuition when choosing a place to ground. Consider taking some time to communicate with Gaia's energy and embrace the different colours, sounds, sensations, vibrations and aromas of Via Dictionary the Earth. Feel the dirt within your palms, inhale the fresh air, listen to the bird’s chirp, touch the bark of trees or even just a blade of grass, smell the woody forests and sweet flowers, dip your toes into a lake. Take it a step further and allow yourself to become one with the Earth's natural flow of energy and electrons. You may feel the subtle energy flow through you in the form of tingles and vibrations. It only takes a few minutes for one to become mentally calm and centred. Try and concentrate on your heartbeat. Become aware of the spiritual energy emanating from your heart. Visualize yourself at the Earth's core. It could be a magma core, a light circle, or anything else that comes to mind. Breathing in nature gifts us with deeper sensory awareness, we are more conscious of what we see, hear, smell, and feel. We feel more grateful and appreciative of what nature has to give us when we spend time in it. Seeing the magnificence of the earth outside naturally instils in us a desire to protect it. If perhaps you do not have the time or ability to interact with nature, it is better to utilise crystals and stones because you can bring them everywhere. There are several crystals with grounding properties, and you could always utilize visualisations and grounding meditations online. Gardening and swimming are two additional activities that might help you ground your energy while also doing something pleasurable.
Grounding is invaluable not just to your physical body, but also to relieve your mind. Overall, you're in a pleasant mood when you are grounded; you feel less pain, or maybe none at all. In order to keep the Earthing experience going, incorporate this healing into your regular routine.