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COVID from a Student’s Point of View

Mahi Chordia

COVID affected India around March 15th 2020. After that, who knew everything would be just a downfall for us! 1 week after COVID hit India, a 2-week lockdown was imposed and those 2 weeks haven’t ended yet.

Everything changed our daily lives, going to school and meeting our friends is just a distant hope now. We, now, carry on with our daily lives with online software and our education and future is dependent on our Wi-Fi box. From interacting with people every day, we have gone to being isolated for a year and half.

The pressure a student goes through is more than you can imagine. Try to anticipate sitting in front of a screen for 8 hours with rarely any breaks, trying our best to focus on what the teacher is explaining. Apart from these 8 hours we have assignments and we need to study and it’s all online. Other than this, think about the time we use our cellphones, trying to connect socially. The average student would be using a screen for approximately 12 hours out of the 15-16 hours we are awake. This damages our eyesight as well as the brain and makes it a lot harder to concentrate on what is being taught.

With school, assignments, studying for tests, upcoming presentations, extra classes or tuitions for the topics we can’t understand what time do we get for ourselves?

The only questions that prevail in our minds each day is: will everything get back to normal? How much longer do we have to wait to explore the world, get different experiences, meet new people and create our own memories?


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